Sound Science Nutrition TM Flaxseed Oil


  • Cool calories for underweight horses
  • Energy for performance horses
  • Nutritional support for healthy and shiny coats
  • Excellent source of Omega 3
  • Palatable for horses
SKU: G0000-FL Category:


As with any fat supplement, flaxseed oil should be gradually introduced into the horse’s diet over the course of three to five days. This allows the digestive system time to adapt to the added fat. It will take a minimum of 3 weeks before a horse starts to really benefit from the oil in its diet and up to 3 months before the full benefits of oil are realized.

  • Cool calories for underweight horses
  • Energy for performance horses
  • Nutritional support for healthy and shiny coats
  • Excellent source of Omega 3
  • Palatable for horses

Omega 3s are essential fatty acids (horses must consume them as they cannot produce them on their own). The benefits of Omega 3s, “the good fats”, are well known. They are important for every cell: good for your horse’s skin, coat, weight, energy (without excitability) and condition. In comparison, Omega 6s are required in moderation as they are pro-inflammatory and can have a negative effect on your horse’s health. This is why it is so important that you choose the right oil, one with the correct ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids. Flaxseed Oil has the perfect (beneficial) Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio, 1:0.3. Other oils have more Omega 6:

Canola is 1:2.1, Soybean is 1:7.5, Vegetable Oil 1:7.8 and Corn Oil 1:46.1

Cooler Burning Fuel:
During the digestive and metabolic processes oils generate less heat than an equivalent amount of grain or forage. And since you are meeting energy requirements, you can feed less grain. Therefore, high oil diets place less of a heat load on working horses, which reduces electrolyte losses and the amount they need to sweat to stay cool, which is very useful for performance horses, especially those training and racing in hot environments or working over very long distances.

Sparing Glycogen:
During slow and medium pace work, your horse’s muscles efficiently use fatty acids from oils as fuel, while during sprints and strenuous exercise muscles can only use glycogen for energy. Once glycogen is depleted, the muscles fatigue: the horse will slow down and lose the ability to perform at its genetic best. Feeding oil provides a source of fatty acids for muscles to burn during the warm up and slower phases of a competition, which allows muscles to conserve valuable glycogen and avoid fatigue.

A reduction in excitability and nervousness:
Since using oil in the diet allows you to reduce grain intake without compromising energy intake and performance, horses are less excitable and nervous, especially “problem horses” that are prone to tying up.

Most horse owners are already aware of the benefits of Flaxseed Oil in the diet. We, at Sound Science NutritionTM LLC, have taken to heart what we have heard in the market:

  • “I love the effects Omega 3s have on my horse, but I hate that once I open the bottle I have to use it within 30 days”
  • “My horses and I travel so much that I have to pack everything in plastic bags the night before, so I cannot enjoy the time with my family before an event”
  • “The bottles of (x) product that I have in stock are all sucked in, totally unsellable”
  • “I cannot find Flaxseed oil by itself, everything is blended with Soy Oil or other oils, so the omega 3 to 6 ratio is still skewed”

So, in addition to quality ingredients and well researched formulas, we’ve decided to innovate on the presentation. Our products are packed in individual-use packets (no exposure to oxygen as when you open a bottle) under inert gas blanket in oxygen barrier package. We protect our products from oxygen through the manufacturing process, packing, shelf life and all the way to the hands that give it to the horse, at the very moment of its use. Just so it is fresh when you need it. Available in a one-use packet (30 ml) and in boxes of 24 packets.


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